Friday, April 29, 2005

Guru should know Madame Laveau

Originally uploaded by Latasha18.
Last night was another
adventure. Turns out,
Imagenation will have a
home at last! I'm terribly
happy for them. Long time
in the making and they deserve
it. Let's see....

There was a celebration
for this good news at Lincoln
Center featuring some film
shorts and performances
by Tamar-Kali, Jeremy James
and Guru...yup. I said it.


The house was packed. And like
the Studio Museum of Harlem,
heads came out like a pack
of killer whales..well cute ones.

I have to admit, I was a shy
nervous having not gone out
for a moment. Seeing faces
I've missed was great. But I
felt jittering around others
that last time seeing or
hearing...was a tad weird.

But I stayed and saw TKali's
performance. Great as usual.
Organization was a little
iffy...but I'll let it slide and not
get into my critiquing mode.

Not worth it right now.

You're wondering why this
photo right?

Today I went the opening of
Marie's House, a boutique of
Brazilian Religious Art
located on 5th Ave between
125th and 126th.

It's a nice spot to go and
be amazed. Camdomble in
full effect and it's sooooo

The regalia was to go out,
get a job and buy a lot of.
The dolls I just wanted to
collect. All prices were quite
affordable and reasonable
if you're in the faith and
want get you gear ready
for that special day.

And if you're just an art
collector, it's worth the

All the work is made by
several Candomble Houses
in Brazil.

The owner, Mary I believe,
was very sweet.

Ethiopian Honey wine was
served along with shrimp....

I'm feeling a little Oshun
in the house with those

I purchased a pin of Olokun
and got a handful of Orisha
post cards.

The treat was a tiny jar of
honey, two pieces of chocolate
and a little jar of
spiced shea butter.

I went online after coming
home to find photos of the
woman the shop is named after.

You do the homework if you
want to know more....